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Job Tips

Hiring Company Logo:

This outputs onto your candidate’s interview report.  JPEG, JPG or PNG format only.
If you are affiliated with a staffing agency, insert your client’s logo here.
If you are a recruiter and hiring directly for your company, do not upload a logo here.

Tool Tip: Depth of Interview Affected By # of Skills

Hiring Company Name:

This outputs onto your candidate’s interview report.
If you are a recruiter and are recruiting for a client, insert your client’s name here.
If you are a recruiter and are hiring directly for your company, insert your company name here.

Tool Tip: Depth of Interview Affected By # of Skills:

Keep in mind the depth of the technical interview when determining how many skills are required to be assessed during the interview. We place no limit to the number of skills to be discussed, however, a robust technical interview averages around 45-60 minutes of Q&A around 6 to 8 skills.

Provide guidelines to the interviewer on how to assess the candidate or to provide instructions on any specific requirements such as:

  • Assess coding approach for a certain programming language
  • Capture coding snippet requested by the hiring manager.
  • Capture whiteboard scenario requested by the hiring manager
  • Specific technical concept hiring manager would like a comparison on..